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When Others Do Not Approve Of Your Blog

When Others Do Not Approve of Your Blog

Regardless of the topic of a blog, all bloggers face the potential for situations in which others do not approve of their blog. Although this type of reaction is popular with blogs focused on political or controversial issues, bloggers who preserve a personal blog may also face scrap from those who do not approve of the bloggers choices in life. This article will discuss subjects selfsame as dealing with negative comments on a blog, dealing with criticism from friends and family members and will touch upon situations in which blogging can cause legal problems for the blogger.

Dealing with Negative Comments on Your Blog

Negative comments posted on a blog are one of the most common forms of disapproval a blog may secure. These comments may enact posted in response to a specific blog posting or may be posted as an remonstration to the blog in general. These negative comments may be very troubling to the blogger but fortunately there are some methods for dealing with these comments.

Bloggers who are concerned that negative comments may influence other blog readers have a few options for dealing with these negative comments. One way to do this is to set the blog to not allow comments. This will effectively eliminate the comments but it will also eliminate comments from supporters of the blog owing to well. Bounteous option a blogger has is to simply delete the negative comments as he finds them. This is not a selfsame effective modus because other readers may have time to read the comments before they are deleted. Bloggers who are online often and are not concerned about negative comments appearing on the blog for a short period of time may utilize this method. Another method of dealing with negative comments includes rebutting these comments on the blog. Finally, bloggers often have the happening to ban visitors who are leaving negative comments from making future comments.

Dealing with Criticism from Friends and Family Members

Bloggers may also face criticism from friends and family members for the content of their blogs. Friends and family members may not use the comment section to express their disapproval but may express their concerns directly to the blogger in person, via telephone or via email. This can copy a difficult direction for bloggers as they may be torn between maintaining the blog according to their vision and keeping their friends and family happy. In many cases friends and family members may object to a blog because they believe it constraint be potentially harmful to the blogger or because they are concerned about how the blog will reflect on them. In these delicate situations the blogger has the preference to either delete or overcome the blog or to speak to the friends and family members to explain his emotions without making changes to the blog.

When Blogging can Cause Legal Problems

Bloggers should be aware there are some situations in which their blog can cause legal problems. Making statements about besides person which are mythical and defamatory can result in the subject of the blog seeking retribution for libel. Other blog postings can also be set up to be illegal for a wide variety of other reasons. Bloggers may assume freedom of speech laws protect them fully but there may be situations in which the statements in a blog are not protected under freedom of speech laws and the blogger faces legal ramifications for his postings. Blogging which violates the copyright laws of another can also cause legal problems.


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